Fotografía Serie Arquitectura Esquina del Palacio Real Madrid. Tribute to Walker Evans Photo series Archicteture Corner of the Royal Palace Madrid

La arquitectura, los grandes edificios, permiten muchas vistas no tanto por el conjunto como por el detalle.
Esquina superior derecha del Palacio Real de Madrid vista desde el patio de armas con teleobjetivo

Homenaje a Walker Evans

Cuaderno 37 Walker Evans Mapfre
NY times obituario W. Evans1975

.........Mr. Evans was then fascinated by architecture, because he thought of photography as one way of preserving segments out of time itself, without regard for the conventional structures of picture-building. Happily, Mr. Evans recalled, he was able to join Lincoln Kirstein, the polymath, who pointed out camera subjects.
Together they photographed Victorian houses in and around Boston, many of which were later shown at the Museum of Modern Art............

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