Fotografía Serie Verano. Atardecer en el puerto de Gijón Photo series Summertime Sunset Gijon´ s dock
Tarde de verano, la caída del sol favore, mucho, hacer fotos.
Puerto de Gijón Historia Autoridad portuaria.
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Puerto de Gijón Historia Autoridad portuaria.
...........La creciente demanda de infraestructuras portuarias y
la falta de medios de los organismos públicos propiciarían la
intervención de la iniciativa privada en la ampliación, construcción y
explotación del puerto Local de Gijón. Así en 1870 se otorgaba a Anselmo Cifuentes la concesión para construir el muelle Victoria o muellín(donde se ubica el edificio de la antigua rula), y en 1879 se constituía la Sociedad del Fomento de Gijón
que llevaría a cabo la construcción y explotación de los muelles y
dársenas de su nombre. Por otro lado, el incremento de los tráficos y
flotas carboneros supondría también el establecimiento de talleres de
reparación y construcción naval, con la instalación en 1888 en la playa del Natahoyo del primer astillero industrial gijonés, el dique seco de la sociedad Cifuentes, Stoldtz y Cía. donde hoy se ubica Naval Gijón....................
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Late summer sunset facilitates much pictures.
History Port of Gijón Port Authority.
........... The growing demand for port infrastructure and the lack of means of public bodies would facilitate the involvement of the private sector in the expansion, construction and operation of the Local port of Gijon. So in 1870 it was granted to Anselmo Cifuentes the concession to build the Victoria dock or muellín (where the building of the former rula is located), and in 1879 the Society for the Promotion of Gijón to carry out the construction and exploitation is constituted quays and docks of his name. On the other hand, the increase in traffic and charcoal fleets would also establish repair and shipbuilding, with installation in 1888 on the beach of Gijon Industrial Natahoyo first shipyard dry dock of society Cifuentes, Stoldtz and Cia. Naval Gijón where today lies
R200911History Port of Gijón Port Authority.
........... The growing demand for port infrastructure and the lack of means of public bodies would facilitate the involvement of the private sector in the expansion, construction and operation of the Local port of Gijon. So in 1870 it was granted to Anselmo Cifuentes the concession to build the Victoria dock or muellín (where the building of the former rula is located), and in 1879 the Society for the Promotion of Gijón to carry out the construction and exploitation is constituted quays and docks of his name. On the other hand, the increase in traffic and charcoal fleets would also establish repair and shipbuilding, with installation in 1888 on the beach of Gijon Industrial Natahoyo first shipyard dry dock of society Cifuentes, Stoldtz and Cia. Naval Gijón where today lies
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