Fotografía Serie Pueblos Luarca desde el cementerio marino. Photo series Country cities Luarca from marine cemetery
Pocos son los cementerios famosos por su belleza, triste belleza, de sus monumentos y casi todos lo son por el paisaje que desde ellos se divisa , paisaja que parece acompañar a los sueños
Uno de esos cementerios es el cementerio marino de la villa de Luarca a 100 km de Oviedo en la carretera hacia Galicia
Se encuentra en el promontorio conocido como la Atalaya, desde donde se divisa el puerto y la villa
Construido alrededor de una cala en forma de “S” entre acantilados
escarpados, el casco antiguo de Luarca, su paseo marítimo y el puerto
conforman un conjunto que merece la pena visitar. Un pequeño río divide
el pueblo en dos, aunque numerosos puentes estrechos lo unen de nuevo.
Sus construcciones más características son el faro, la capilla de La
Atalaya y el cementerio sobre la costa cortada a pico, donde reposan los
restos del premio Nobel Severo Ochoa, natural de esta localidad. El
carácter tradicional de Luarca se refleja en sus chigres -antiguas
tabernas asturianas-, donde el visitante puede iniciarse en el arte de
beber sidra.
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En (google translator)
Few cemeteries famous for its beauty, sad beauty, monuments and almost all are by the landscape that can be seen from them, that seems to accompany paisaja dreams
One of these cemeteries is the marine cemetery of the town of Luarca Oviedo 100 miles on the road to Galicia
It is located on the promontory known as Atalaya, where the port is visible and the villa
Spain info
Built around a cove shaped "S" between steep cliffs, the old town of Luarca, its promenade and harbor are a set worth visiting. A small river divides the town in two, although numerous narrow bridges link it again. His most characteristic buildings are the lighthouse, the chapel of La Atalaya and the cemetery on the coast cut peak, where the remains of Nobel Severo Ochoa, natural reward of this town. The traditional character of Luarca is reflected in its winches asturianas--ancient taverns where visitors can get started in the art of drinking cider.
One of these cemeteries is the marine cemetery of the town of Luarca Oviedo 100 miles on the road to Galicia
It is located on the promontory known as Atalaya, where the port is visible and the villa
Spain info
Built around a cove shaped "S" between steep cliffs, the old town of Luarca, its promenade and harbor are a set worth visiting. A small river divides the town in two, although numerous narrow bridges link it again. His most characteristic buildings are the lighthouse, the chapel of La Atalaya and the cemetery on the coast cut peak, where the remains of Nobel Severo Ochoa, natural reward of this town. The traditional character of Luarca is reflected in its winches asturianas--ancient taverns where visitors can get started in the art of drinking cider.
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