A tourist in New York City with photo camera. People, Chelsea Market

Una de las zonas emergentes, regeneradas de Nueva York es el Chelsea Market. Recordemos que muy cerca se encuentra el Museo Whitney centrado en el arte americano.

A block long and a block wide and just a short walk from the Hudson River in the area of Manhattan known as the Meatpacking District, Chelsea Market has become in just fifteen years one of the greatest indoor food halls of the world, with more than thirty-five vendors purveying everything from soup to nuts, wine to coffee, cheese to cheesecake. Attracting 6 million national and international visitors annually, it is one of the most trafficked, and written-about, destinations of any kind in New York City.

En estas fotos vemos las dos caras del mercado, el cliente, en este caso de un supermercado y la trabajadora en una cocina.

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