Fotografía. Laredo. Cantabria. Landscapes of Spain Laredo. Cantabria.
Fotos realizadas en un paseo por el casco antiguo de Laredo, visitando primero la playa, un dia de Septiembre.
Laredo aparece, en sus primeros pasos por la historia, como asentamiento de un poblado de pescadores
en la ladera sur de La Atalaya, allá por el año 757, aunque los
historiadores nos hablan de un Laredo mucho más antiguo, por las
incursiones de celtíberos, cartagineses, romanos y visigodos, así como, por los restos prehistóricos hallados en la Cueva de la Baja.
En 1200, recibe el privilegio de ser villa real con jurisdicción propia. El 25 de enero de ese año, el Rey Alfonso VIII firma, en Belorado (Burgos), el privilegio que le otorga el fuero. En el fuero, se establecen que los límites jurisdiccionales de Laredo se extendían por la costa, entre la desembocadura del Asón al oeste y la del Agüera al este, y por el interior hasta Ampuero. La concesión del fuero otorga una gran importancia a Laredo. Muestra de ello es la presencia de marineros laredanos en la conquista de Sevilla (1248) (acontecimiento recogido en el escudo municipal) y su inclusión en las Cantigas de Santa María (Alfonso X 'El Sabio, siglo XIII). Además del apoyo decidido de los monarcas (exención de portazgo -1255).
Todo provoca un aumento de la población que se extiende entre la Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción y el arroyo Bario;
estaba protegida por una muralla (aún quedan restos); y se dividía en
tres rúas, de este a oeste: San Martín, En Medio y Yusera; y de norte a
sur: Ruamayor, Carnicerías Viejas (hoy San Marcial), Santa María y
- En (google translator)
Pictures taken on a walk through the old town of Laredo, first visiting the beach, September 1.
Laredo City Council.
Laredo listed in its infancy by history as a settlement of a fishing village on the southern slope of La Atalaya, around the year 757, although historians speak of a much older Laredo, by the incursions of Celts, Carthaginians, Romans and Visigoths and, by prehistoric remains found in the cave of Baja.
Laredo Wikipedia
In 1200, received the privilege of being a real town with its own jurisdiction. On 25 January of that year, King Alfonso VIII signing in Belorado (Burgos), the privilege granted by the courts. In the charter, establishing that the jurisdictional limits of Laredo stretched along the coast, between the mouth of Assos west and east of the Aguera, and inland to Ampuero. The granting of immunity attaches great importance to Laredo. Proof of this is the presence of laredanos sailors in the conquest of Seville (1248) (event collected at the municipal coat) and its inclusion in the Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X 'El Sabio, XIII century). In addition to the strong support of the monarchs (toll exemption -1255).
All causes an increase in the population which extends between the Church of Santa Maria Assunta and Bario stream; was protected by a wall (still remains); and is divided into three rúas, from east to west: San Martin, in the Middle and Yusera; and from north to south: Ruamayor, Old Butchers (now San Marcial), Santa Maria and Azoque.
Laredo City Council.
Laredo listed in its infancy by history as a settlement of a fishing village on the southern slope of La Atalaya, around the year 757, although historians speak of a much older Laredo, by the incursions of Celts, Carthaginians, Romans and Visigoths and, by prehistoric remains found in the cave of Baja.
Laredo Wikipedia
In 1200, received the privilege of being a real town with its own jurisdiction. On 25 January of that year, King Alfonso VIII signing in Belorado (Burgos), the privilege granted by the courts. In the charter, establishing that the jurisdictional limits of Laredo stretched along the coast, between the mouth of Assos west and east of the Aguera, and inland to Ampuero. The granting of immunity attaches great importance to Laredo. Proof of this is the presence of laredanos sailors in the conquest of Seville (1248) (event collected at the municipal coat) and its inclusion in the Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alfonso X 'El Sabio, XIII century). In addition to the strong support of the monarchs (toll exemption -1255).
All causes an increase in the population which extends between the Church of Santa Maria Assunta and Bario stream; was protected by a wall (still remains); and is divided into three rúas, from east to west: San Martin, in the Middle and Yusera; and from north to south: Ruamayor, Old Butchers (now San Marcial), Santa Maria and Azoque.