A tourist in New York City with photo camera. Twin great blocks of buildings, Hig Lane

Durante el paseo por High Lane hay un momento en el que vemos estos bloques de casas, casi gemelos.
Son enormes, tanto por la altura, como por el fondo que ocupan pues llegan, practicamente a formar una manzana de casas ellos dos solos.
Son edificios, creo, de la decada de 1930 aproximadamente. Sin embargo lo que me llama la atención es que se carácter macizo me recuerdan, cosa curiosa y ciertamente rara, a edificios de Berlín, del Berlín de la antigua República Democrática Alemana.
Hay un momento que las ciudades se parecen o nos parecen que se parecen.

En (google translate)

During the walk in High Lane is a time when we see these blocks of houses, almost twins.

They are huge, both for height, as they occupy the bottom as they arrive, almost to form a block of houses two of them.

They are buildings, I think, about the 1930s. But what strikes me is that these blocks remind me for the massive character, curious and certainly rare thing, a building in Berlin, the Berlin of the former German Democratic Republic.

There is a moment that cities are alike and they seem to us  to look alike.

 Black and white version.

The High Line is an elevated freight rail line transformed into a public park on Manhattan’s West Side. It is owned by the City of New York, and maintained and operated by Friends of the High Line. Founded in 1999 by community residents, Friends of the High Line fought for the High Line’s preservation and transformation at a time when the historic structure was under the threat of demolition. It is now the non-profit conservancy working with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation to make sure the High Line is maintained as an extraordinary public space for all visitors to enjoy.

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