Crea imágenes impresionantes con mayor rapidez
Añade la tecnología de Nik Collection de Google a tu flujo de trabajo hoy mismo.
Edición avanzada y simplificada
Crea fácilmente las fotos que has imaginado con seis potentes plugins para
Photoshop®, Lightroom® o Aperture®.
Create stunning im
ages faster
Add the power of the Nik Collection by Google to your workflow today.
Advanced editing, simplified
Easily create the photos that you’ve imagined with six powerful plug-ins for
Photoshop®, Lightroom® or Aperture®.
Make precise edits quickly
Use U Point® technology to selectively edit just the parts of your photos that need
touching up without losing time on complex masks and selections.
Recuerde que haciendo click en la foto se ve a mayor tamaño