Fotografía serie Paisajes Desfiladero de la Yecla.Landscapes of Spain. Yecla' defile. Burgos Spain
El famoso paraje de La Yecla es una profunda y estrecha garganta excavada
en los espesos bancos de calizas que caracterizan el relieve de las
Peñas de Cervera. Una serie de puentes y pasarelas colgantes permiten
recorrer andando esta cluse, en cuyo fondo se alternan las marmitas de
gigante y las cascadas
Justo detrás del monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos y desde el arco
medieval de la Villa parte el camino que paralelo a la orilla del río
Mataviejas se acerca hasta La Yecla
Unos metros por la carretera permiten llegar a la escalera que desciende
hasta el fondo de la garganta.
En ( google translate)
Tourism Burgos
The famous area of La Yecla is a deep and narrow gorge carved into the thick limestone banks that characterize the relief of the Peñas de Cervera. A series of bridges and hanging bridges allow this cluse walkable, at the bottom of the potholes and waterfalls Just behind the monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos alternate and from the medieval part of the town bow the road parallel to the shore Mataviejas approaches the river to La Yecla few meters down the road allow to reach the stairs leading down to the back of the throat.
En ( google translate)
Tourism Burgos
The famous area of La Yecla is a deep and narrow gorge carved into the thick limestone banks that characterize the relief of the Peñas de Cervera. A series of bridges and hanging bridges allow this cluse walkable, at the bottom of the potholes and waterfalls Just behind the monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos alternate and from the medieval part of the town bow the road parallel to the shore Mataviejas approaches the river to La Yecla few meters down the road allow to reach the stairs leading down to the back of the throat.
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